
Parish of St. BARNABAS (estab. 1959)

The Anglican Church of Canada—Diocese of Montreal
12301 Colin St., Pierrefonds, Quebec H9A 1C3



At St. Barnabas, we define stewardship as everything we do in response to God’s blessings. Our blessings might be in financial or material things. They might be the gifts & talents God has given us. Our responses might include prayer, participation in some activity or project, or pledging our monetary support. We recognize that our understanding of stewardship determines how we set priorities, & how we manage all that we have been given (time, talents, treasure) for God’s glory. 

We encourage our members to contribute to the parish & the outreach activities we support by donating in a regular, intentional way through offering envelopes or automatic, bank Pre-Authorized Remittances (PAR).

Please click here, for an Informational Brochure that explains how PAR works, & answers FAQs. Please click here, if you would like to download a PAR Authorization/Application form, so you can make donations using this convenient, automatic debit method. Thank you for your support!

The Parish of St Barnabas © 2023